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X Zhang, N Li, W Wei, W Yao, K Xie, J Hu… - BMC …, 2011 - biomedcentral.com
... Practice setting General hospital 126 35.20 University hospital 232 64.80 Page 27. 2 5 T able
2 C om parison of surgery practice S urgery practice R ecom m endation of the G uidelines O
ncological surgeons M edical oncologists R adiation oncologists p N % N % N % proxim ...

KJ Murphy, RH Ring, S Mulvany… - US Patent …, 2011 - freepatentsonline.com
Methods of identifying gene targets associated with schizophrenia or the
symptoms thereof, as well as to specific nucleic acid molecules that have
been discovered to be associated with schizophrenia a.

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