M Schmid, M Strand, G Årdal… - Archives of Clinical …, 2011 - acn.oxfordjournals.org Skip Navigation. ... -
Å Hammar, M Strand, G Årdal… - Nordic Journal of …, 2011 - informahealthcare.com - -
Å Hammar, L Isaksen, M Schmid… - Applied …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
F Ardal, J Sulman… - Neonatal Network: The …, 2011 - Neonatal Network The NICU in this study is located in a downtown uni- versity teaching hospital in a large, highly diverse central Canadian city. Of the more than 100 non-English languages and dialects spoken in the city, the languages most frequently spoken at home are Chinese, Tamil, Italian, ... -
H Ardal, T Brown, V Jungić… - Arxiv preprint arXiv: …, 2011 - arxiv.org Recently the study of infinite words with bounded abelian complexity was ini- tiated by G. Richomme, K. Saari, and LQ Zamboni [10]. (See also [3] and the references in [3] and [10].) In particular, it is shown (in [10]) that if ω is an infinite word with bounded abelian complexity, ...